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Indian Arrival Day

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Indian Arrival Day

On the 30th of May we celebrate the arrival of the first contracted workers from India that were aboard the Fath Al Razak in 1845 to the Gulf of Paria. This immigration to Trinidad and Tobago spanned a period from 1845-1917 during which time they brought with them a lifestyle ,agriculture, religion, education and food.


For many years this event was celebrated within the East Indian community, however in 1994 it was finally pronounced a public holiday and called "Arrival Day". A year later the name was changed to what we know today: "Indian Arrival Day". On that day, participants gather to pray for their souls and to seek guidance and blessings for the future. Every year massive celebrations are held such as cultural programs, parades and other social events. We enjoy these rich and vibrant cultures and though we are not all from that ancestral background, we all enjoy it and we know is is part of what makes our nation as beautiful as what we know today.


Due to these events, we enjoy these delicious foods today - Goolab Jamoon, Curry Goat, Tamrind Sauce, Kuchela, Saheena and Roti (just to name a few). 



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