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Chief Brand Doubles



For the Bara Dough

  • 1 pack Chief Brand Bara Mix
  • 3/4 - 1 cup Water
  • 2 cups Vegetable Oil for frying

For the Chickpea Topping

  • 2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
  • 3 cloves Garlic minced
  • 3 tbsp Onion minced
  • 1 tbsp Chief Brand Curry Powder
  • 1 tbsp Cilantro minced
  • 1 tbsp Chief Brand Geera Powder
  • 18 oz. Canned Channa drained
  • Chief Brand Salt & Black Pepper to taste


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk Chief Brand Bara Mix with little water at a time to achieve a sticky yet pliable dough. Rub the top of the dough with 1 tbsp of oil, cover with a tea towel and let sit for half an hour.

To prepare chickpea (channa) topping

  1. Start by placing a medium saucepan over high heat and adding 2 tbsp of oil followed by sautéing the onions and garlic for 1 minute.
  2. Add the Chief Brand Curry Powder and stir into hot oil for 30 seconds to cook.
  3. Add the chickpeas and cook with curry mixture on medium heat for 5 minutes until it turns light brown color.
  4. Add 4 cups of water, cilantro and bring to boil covered. Cook for 15 minutes then remove the cover and add the geera powder.
  5. Using a potato masher, crush some of the chickpea grains to thicken the sauce while still keeping some whole.
  6. Season with Chief Brand Salt & Black Pepper and remove from the heat.

To prepare the bara

  1. Heat the 2 cups of oil in a shallow sauce pan to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Lubricate your hands with a little oil and on your countertop lightly.
  3. Take a golf ball sized amount of bara dough and place on the countertop, gently use your hands to stretch and open out the dough to a thin size.
  4. Carefully place this dough in the hot oil and fry using a perforated spoon for 10 seconds on each side until cooked.
  5. Place on a paper napkin to remove excess oil.
  6. To serve, place dough onto a plate and top with few tablespoons of chickpea topping followed by a drizzle of Chief Brand Tamarind Chutney, Chief Brand Pepper Sauce and some grated cucumber
  7. Cover with another piece of fried bara and serve.


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